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Cloud Optimization

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About the event


Organizations continue to invest in cloud at a healthy rate, but control of costs in terms of resource utilization and alignment with business goals seems just out of reach despite the costs advantages offered by cloud. Lack of transparency and constantly changing services add to the confusion, in addition to maintaining the needed performance of service, especially when it comes to billing. According to a recent study, 82% of respondents across all organizations indicated that their top cloud challenge is managing cloud spend with 78% reporting lack of resources or expertise as a key factor.* Clearly, a proven strategy that focuses on optimizing the cost/performance of cloud subscriptions is the only way to gain control and keep it.


How to Achieve?

This is achieved by selecting and/or provisioning task-appropriate resources, right-sizing the resources, and monitoring the usage and related spends, as follows:

Monitoring and visualizing your cloud utilization at the resource level.

Getting accurate, real-time insights into cloud costs and performance of services.

​Identifying specific opportunities for cost savings.

Targeting areas for increased efficiency as part of the process and leveraging cloud-native technology for managing resources in the cloud.

While these activities are necessary to optimize your cloud costs, it’s ‘how’ they are implemented that will create a winning strategy. Our CETC experts can identify and deliver insights on where your costs are, what is being consumed, and what the saving opportunities are via real-time performance and costs review, so you can grow your cloud universe with confidence.

The CETC Optimization Approach

Resource Tagging

Each resource tagged per needs by Environment, LOB, Service, etc.

Spend Analysis

Analyze and build dashboards for spends by services, environment, utilization, requirement, etc.



Each resource is measured for utilization.


For reservations/temporary resources/resource deletions/server-less conversions. Autoscaling up for peaks down for no-peak with triggers.

Observability & Errors

Each resource is observed for errors and their amount, and functionality.


Ensure no controls are violated and security measured while recommending.


Cost optimization service

Validate current monitoring and observability tools across your environment.

Identify tagging strategy for resources.

Define tagging policies, gather monitoring and observability data. Build utilization dashboards based on tags.

Identify under-utilized resources based on business goals.

Identify areas where the resources are not required to be always on.

Identify dysfunctional data pipelines.

Define tagging policies, gather monitoring and observability data. Build utilization dashboards based on tags.

Implement as needed the following methods for optimizing cost based on insights:


Deleting/releasing unused public IP addresses and similar resources that incur charges for non-utilization


Converting to serverless


Spot purchases for autoscaling

Deleting unused pipelines.

Our Differentiators

Configuring right tools using best practices.

Define and implement tagging and utilize it for obtaining insights, that will help achieve what is required.

Align to governance goals and report against it.

Normalization and filtering of all data that is stored in high-cost observability tools by optimizing storage and thus, optimizing the costs.

Effectively optimizing performance, security and costs of your cloud platform, simplifying your cloud governance.

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